IDE Solutions, LLC.

Robots will rule the world one MPU at a time!

PCB, and PCBA design and development, up to 16 layers and 1GHZ designs. Both through hole and surface mount designs.


IDE Solutions, LLC. Specializes in industrial control designs.

Industrial Control Designs consist of the following:

· Printed Circuit Board Designs

· Embedded Microprocessor Designs

· Cellular Communications Designs

· Multi-Co-Processor Control Designs

· RTOS (Real Time Operating Systems)

· HMI (Human Machine Interface) Designs

· LCD Control Panel Designs

· Hidden Touch Control Panel Designs

· Radio System Designs

· Digital Radio Designs

· Digital Modem Designs (including Encryption)

· Analog Modem Designs

· Programming in C, C++, .NET, Dynamic C, & Android

· Invention to Prototyping Services

Jim Ashby, President
452 Canyon View Way
Mesquite, NV 89027

To contact us:


Cell: 435-619-5333
